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How Do You Charge an Electric Car at Home?

Published on
March 18, 2024

Welcome to the electric revolution! As the world shifts gears towards cleaner, greener, and more sustainable modes of transportation, electric vehicles (EVs) are charging ahead, leading the pack. 

Now, if you've recently joined the EV brigade or are considering making the leap, you're probably pondering over one crucial aspect – how do you charge an electric car at home? Fear not, for you've come to the right place! 

Powering an EV at home isn't just convenient; it's like having your own personal fuel station, minus the fuel and the hassle. So, buckle up and let's embark on this electrifying journey together. By the end of this article, you'll be a home charging pro, ready to enjoy the myriad benefits of electric driving, all from the comfort of your house. 

Let's get charged up!

Types of Car Charging at Home

Charging an electric car at home is simpler than you might think, and it all starts with understanding the two main types – Level 1 and Level 2. Both options offer the convenience of powering at home, but they come with their own set of perks and quirks. 

Level 1 Charging: The Slow and Steady Starter

Level 1 charging is your entry ticket to the world of home charging. It's the equivalent of dipping your toes in the water – easy, straightforward, and requiring no extra equipment. All you need is the charging cord that comes with your EV and a standard household electrical outlet. 

Yes, it's that simple!

While Level 1 charging is the slowest method, taking anywhere from eight to 20 hours for a full charge, it's perfect for overnight powering. It's like giving your car a good night's rest, ensuring it's ready to roll when you are. For daily commutes or short trips around town, this might just be the hassle-free solution you're looking for.

Level 2 Charging: The Fast Lane to Full

When you're ready to kick things up a notch, Level 2 charging enters the scene. This is where charging at home starts to feel like having a superhero gadget in your garage. These chargers require a 240V outlet (similar to what your washing machine or dryer might use) and can fill up your EV's battery at a much quicker pace – typically in just four to six hours.

Opting for Level 2 charging is ideal for those with longer commutes or for anyone looking to maximise their EV's potential. Although it may require an initial investment in a pricy home station and possibly some electrical upgrades, the convenience and speed are well worth it.

What About Level 3? 

Level 3 charging isn't something you can get installed at your home. Also known as DC fast charging, these are capable of adding up to 100 miles of range in just 20 to 30 minutes. However, due to its high power requirements and the complex infrastructure it needs, Level 3 points are typically found in public charging stations and along highways, not in residential areas.

Setting Up Electric Car Charging at Home

The good news is that setting up your home station is less about 'if' and more about 'how'. With a sprinkle of planning and a dash of know-how, you'll be powering with ease. 

1. Preparation and Planning

Before diving in, it's essential to do a bit of homework. Start by evaluating your daily driving routine and your vehicle's range. This will help you determine whether Level 1 charging will suffice or if Level 2 is the way to go. Remember, knowing how to charge an electric car at home begins with understanding your needs. Check out our guide to the best home EV charging stations to ensure you pick a great charger.

Next, take a peek at your home's electrical system. Is it ready for the task, or does it need an upgrade? This might sound daunting, but fear not, as a licensed electrician can guide you through this process, ensuring everything is up to snuff and safe.

2. Installation Process

When it comes to installation, unless you're a certified electrician yourself, it's best to leave it to the professionals. They'll not only install your charging station but also make sure it complies with all local codes and regulations. This step is crucial, as it ensures your setup is both safe and efficient. 

Choosing the right spot for your station is also key. It should be easily accessible and, if possible, protected from the elements. After all, convenience is a big part of the allure when it comes to charging your electric car at home. However, if you don’t have a driveway where a charger can be installed, you may want to find out what your options are in our guide on ‘How to charge electric cars without a driveway’.

3. Safety Considerations

As also highlighted above, safety should always be top of mind, especially when dealing with electricity. Ensure your station has built-in safety features and that you're following best practices for charging. This includes not overloading circuits and keeping your powering area free from clutter and water.

4. Complying With Regulations

Last but certainly not least, make sure your home charging setup is up to code. This might involve obtaining permits or having inspections done, depending on where you live. Staying on the right side of regulations not only keeps you safe but also ensures you won't face any legal hiccups down the road.

Setting up your home station might seem like a project, but it's all part of the EV adventure. By knowing how to charge an electric car at home, you're not just preparing for a more sustainable lifestyle; you're embracing the future of mobility. And with your charging setup ready to go, you'll enjoy the unparalleled convenience of waking up to a fully charged vehicle, prepared to take on the day – no gas stations required!

Costs Involved in Home EV Charging

So, you're all set up with the know-how on "how to charge EV at home", but what's the deal with costs? Understanding the financial side is also essential, as it helps you make informed decisions and even save money in the long run. 

Let's break down the expenses and uncover how you can charge your electric car at home without breaking the bank.

Initial Setup and Equipment Costs

The upfront cost of setting up a home station can vary widely, depending on whether you opt for Level 1 or Level 2 charging. While Level 1 requires no additional equipment beyond what's provided with your EV, Level 2 might necessitate purchasing a dedicated unit and potentially upgrading your home's electrical system.

Electricity Rates and Charging Costs

When it comes to the ongoing cost of home charging, electricity rates take centre stage. The cost to power up your EV will depend on your local rates, which can vary by time of day and season. Some areas offer special lower rates for power during off-peak hours, making it a savvy move to charge your car overnight. Plus, on average, charging an EV at home is significantly cheaper than fueling a traditional gasoline car, with many owners seeing substantial savings on "fuel" over time. 

Incentives and Rebates

To encourage greater adoption, there are some EV grants and incentives in the UK for electric car purchases and home charging installations. These can significantly offset the initial setup costs, making it even more attractive to power your green car at your house.

More specifically, from tax credits for purchasing charging equipment to rebates for energy-efficient home upgrades, these incentives can make the transition to electric driving smoother and more affordable. 

Managing and Maintaining Your Home EV Charging Station

Now that we've navigated through the ins and outs of charging an electric car at home, let's shift gears to make sure your home chargers stay in tip-top shape. After all, maintaining your EV charging setup is key to maximising its lifespan and efficiency. 

Here's how you can keep your station running smoothly, ensuring your electric chariot is always ready for the road ahead.

Routine Maintenance

First things first, routine checks are your best friend when it comes to maintaining your home station. Keeping an eye on the charging cable and ensuring it's free from damage not only prolongs its life but also keeps powering safe. Regularly inspecting the charging port on your vehicle and the connection points can prevent wear and tear from turning into bigger issues.

It's also wise to keep the area around your charging station clean and tidy. A clutter-free charging zone minimises the risk of accidents and ensures easy access to your charger whenever you need it. 

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even the most reliable systems can hiccup, and your home EV charging station is no exception. Familiarising yourself with common issues and how to troubleshoot them can save you time and headaches. Problems like a tripped circuit breaker or a faulty cable can often be resolved with a bit of DIY savvy. However, when in doubt, calling in a professional is always the safest bet.

Upgrading Your Charging Station

As technology advances, so too might your charging needs. Whether it's upgrading from Level 1 to Level 2 for faster fill-ups or incorporating smart features for greater convenience, keeping your setup current can enhance your EV experience. Additionally, upgrading your home charging station might also involve software updates or replacing parts to ensure optimal performance. To this end, staying informed about the latest in green technology can help you make informed decisions about when and how to upgrade.

OVO Charge Powered by Bonnet: When Car Charging at Home Isn't an Option

The logo of OVO Charge by Bonnet.

Following our dive into the essentials of powering your electric car at home, where the convenience of Level 1 and Level 2 charging brings the future of driving to your doorstep, there's an aspect of green vehicle ownership that extends beyond the confines of our homes. 

This brings us to a pivotal question: How do you keep your EV charged and ready to go when you're away from home? Enter OVO Charge powered by Bonnet, an innovative solution designed to make public charging as seamless as possible.

OVO Charge is not just an app; it's your ultimate companion on the road. With access to over 17 networks through a single platform, we eradicate the need to juggle multiple apps or memberships. This unified approach simplifies the charging process, allowing EV drivers to locate the nearest compatible station with ease, check real-time availability, and even learn about the charging speed and costs, all in one place.

What truly sets OVO Charge apart are the "Boosts" – exclusive offers that provide up to 15% off on fees within partner networks. This feature not only makes EVs more accessible but also more affordable, addressing one of the key concerns of EV ownership. Whether you're a daily commuter or an occasional traveller, our app ensures that your charging needs are met without breaking the bank.

So, as you embrace the convenience of powering your electric car at home, remember that the journey doesn't end there. With our app, you're equipped to explore further, with the confidence that powering up your EV can be as easy and accessible as filling up a traditional car with gas. 

Download OVO Charge powered by Bonnet today and experience a world where charging is no longer a hurdle but a seamless part of your daily drive.


Embracing EVs means adapting to new ways of "fueling" our rides, and electric car charging at home offers unprecedented convenience, transforming our relationship with our vehicles. It represents not just a shift in how we power our cars, but a significant step towards a more sustainable, efficient lifestyle. 

With options ranging from the simplicity of Level 1 charging to the rapid capabilities of Level 2, electric car owners can enjoy the ease of waking up to a fully charged vehicle every day. This transition to electric is more than just about cars; it's about changing the way we live and move for the better.


Can you charge an electric car at home with a normal plug?

Yes, you can charge an electric car at home using a standard household outlet with a Level 1 charger that comes with your vehicle. However, this method is slower and typically used for overnight charging.

How much does it cost to charge an electric car at home?

The cost to charge an electric car at home varies based on local electricity rates and your car's battery capacity, but it's generally much cheaper than refuelling a traditional gasoline car.

What is the cheapest way to charge an electric car at home?

The cheapest way to charge an electric car at home is by using a Level 1 charger during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower or by integrating solar panels to offset electricity use.

March 4, 2024

Welcome to the electric revolution! As the world shifts gears towards cleaner, greener, and more sustainable modes of transportation, electric vehicles (EVs) are charging ahead, leading the pack. 

Now, if you've recently joined the EV brigade or are considering making the leap, you're probably pondering over one crucial aspect – how do you charge an electric car at home? Fear not, for you've come to the right place! 

Powering an EV at home isn't just convenient; it's like having your own personal fuel station, minus the fuel and the hassle. So, buckle up and let's embark on this electrifying journey together. By the end of this article, you'll be a home charging pro, ready to enjoy the myriad benefits of electric driving, all from the comfort of your house. 

Let's get charged up!

Types of Car Charging at Home

Charging an electric car at home is simpler than you might think, and it all starts with understanding the two main types – Level 1 and Level 2. Both options offer the convenience of powering at home, but they come with their own set of perks and quirks. 

Level 1 Charging: The Slow and Steady Starter

Level 1 charging is your entry ticket to the world of home charging. It's the equivalent of dipping your toes in the water – easy, straightforward, and requiring no extra equipment. All you need is the charging cord that comes with your EV and a standard household electrical outlet. 

Yes, it's that simple!

While Level 1 charging is the slowest method, taking anywhere from eight to 20 hours for a full charge, it's perfect for overnight powering. It's like giving your car a good night's rest, ensuring it's ready to roll when you are. For daily commutes or short trips around town, this might just be the hassle-free solution you're looking for.

Level 2 Charging: The Fast Lane to Full

When you're ready to kick things up a notch, Level 2 charging enters the scene. This is where charging at home starts to feel like having a superhero gadget in your garage. These chargers require a 240V outlet (similar to what your washing machine or dryer might use) and can fill up your EV's battery at a much quicker pace – typically in just four to six hours.

Opting for Level 2 charging is ideal for those with longer commutes or for anyone looking to maximise their EV's potential. Although it may require an initial investment in a pricy home station and possibly some electrical upgrades, the convenience and speed are well worth it.

What About Level 3? 

Level 3 charging isn't something you can get installed at your home. Also known as DC fast charging, these are capable of adding up to 100 miles of range in just 20 to 30 minutes. However, due to its high power requirements and the complex infrastructure it needs, Level 3 points are typically found in public charging stations and along highways, not in residential areas.

Setting Up Electric Car Charging at Home

The good news is that setting up your home station is less about 'if' and more about 'how'. With a sprinkle of planning and a dash of know-how, you'll be powering with ease. 

1. Preparation and Planning

Before diving in, it's essential to do a bit of homework. Start by evaluating your daily driving routine and your vehicle's range. This will help you determine whether Level 1 charging will suffice or if Level 2 is the way to go. Remember, knowing how to charge an electric car at home begins with understanding your needs. Check out our guide to the best home EV charging stations to ensure you pick a great charger.

Next, take a peek at your home's electrical system. Is it ready for the task, or does it need an upgrade? This might sound daunting, but fear not, as a licensed electrician can guide you through this process, ensuring everything is up to snuff and safe.

2. Installation Process

When it comes to installation, unless you're a certified electrician yourself, it's best to leave it to the professionals. They'll not only install your charging station but also make sure it complies with all local codes and regulations. This step is crucial, as it ensures your setup is both safe and efficient. 

Choosing the right spot for your station is also key. It should be easily accessible and, if possible, protected from the elements. After all, convenience is a big part of the allure when it comes to charging your electric car at home. However, if you don’t have a driveway where a charger can be installed, you may want to find out what your options are in our guide on ‘How to charge electric cars without a driveway’.

3. Safety Considerations

As also highlighted above, safety should always be top of mind, especially when dealing with electricity. Ensure your station has built-in safety features and that you're following best practices for charging. This includes not overloading circuits and keeping your powering area free from clutter and water.

4. Complying With Regulations

Last but certainly not least, make sure your home charging setup is up to code. This might involve obtaining permits or having inspections done, depending on where you live. Staying on the right side of regulations not only keeps you safe but also ensures you won't face any legal hiccups down the road.

Setting up your home station might seem like a project, but it's all part of the EV adventure. By knowing how to charge an electric car at home, you're not just preparing for a more sustainable lifestyle; you're embracing the future of mobility. And with your charging setup ready to go, you'll enjoy the unparalleled convenience of waking up to a fully charged vehicle, prepared to take on the day – no gas stations required!

Costs Involved in Home EV Charging

So, you're all set up with the know-how on "how to charge EV at home", but what's the deal with costs? Understanding the financial side is also essential, as it helps you make informed decisions and even save money in the long run. 

Let's break down the expenses and uncover how you can charge your electric car at home without breaking the bank.

Initial Setup and Equipment Costs

The upfront cost of setting up a home station can vary widely, depending on whether you opt for Level 1 or Level 2 charging. While Level 1 requires no additional equipment beyond what's provided with your EV, Level 2 might necessitate purchasing a dedicated unit and potentially upgrading your home's electrical system.

Electricity Rates and Charging Costs

When it comes to the ongoing cost of home charging, electricity rates take centre stage. The cost to power up your EV will depend on your local rates, which can vary by time of day and season. Some areas offer special lower rates for power during off-peak hours, making it a savvy move to charge your car overnight. Plus, on average, charging an EV at home is significantly cheaper than fueling a traditional gasoline car, with many owners seeing substantial savings on "fuel" over time. 

Incentives and Rebates

To encourage greater adoption, there are some EV grants and incentives in the UK for electric car purchases and home charging installations. These can significantly offset the initial setup costs, making it even more attractive to power your green car at your house.

More specifically, from tax credits for purchasing charging equipment to rebates for energy-efficient home upgrades, these incentives can make the transition to electric driving smoother and more affordable. 

Managing and Maintaining Your Home EV Charging Station

Now that we've navigated through the ins and outs of charging an electric car at home, let's shift gears to make sure your home chargers stay in tip-top shape. After all, maintaining your EV charging setup is key to maximising its lifespan and efficiency. 

Here's how you can keep your station running smoothly, ensuring your electric chariot is always ready for the road ahead.

Routine Maintenance

First things first, routine checks are your best friend when it comes to maintaining your home station. Keeping an eye on the charging cable and ensuring it's free from damage not only prolongs its life but also keeps powering safe. Regularly inspecting the charging port on your vehicle and the connection points can prevent wear and tear from turning into bigger issues.

It's also wise to keep the area around your charging station clean and tidy. A clutter-free charging zone minimises the risk of accidents and ensures easy access to your charger whenever you need it. 

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even the most reliable systems can hiccup, and your home EV charging station is no exception. Familiarising yourself with common issues and how to troubleshoot them can save you time and headaches. Problems like a tripped circuit breaker or a faulty cable can often be resolved with a bit of DIY savvy. However, when in doubt, calling in a professional is always the safest bet.

Upgrading Your Charging Station

As technology advances, so too might your charging needs. Whether it's upgrading from Level 1 to Level 2 for faster fill-ups or incorporating smart features for greater convenience, keeping your setup current can enhance your EV experience. Additionally, upgrading your home charging station might also involve software updates or replacing parts to ensure optimal performance. To this end, staying informed about the latest in green technology can help you make informed decisions about when and how to upgrade.

OVO Charge Powered by Bonnet: When Car Charging at Home Isn't an Option

The logo of OVO Charge by Bonnet.

Following our dive into the essentials of powering your electric car at home, where the convenience of Level 1 and Level 2 charging brings the future of driving to your doorstep, there's an aspect of green vehicle ownership that extends beyond the confines of our homes. 

This brings us to a pivotal question: How do you keep your EV charged and ready to go when you're away from home? Enter OVO Charge powered by Bonnet, an innovative solution designed to make public charging as seamless as possible.

OVO Charge is not just an app; it's your ultimate companion on the road. With access to over 17 networks through a single platform, we eradicate the need to juggle multiple apps or memberships. This unified approach simplifies the charging process, allowing EV drivers to locate the nearest compatible station with ease, check real-time availability, and even learn about the charging speed and costs, all in one place.

What truly sets OVO Charge apart are the "Boosts" – exclusive offers that provide up to 15% off on fees within partner networks. This feature not only makes EVs more accessible but also more affordable, addressing one of the key concerns of EV ownership. Whether you're a daily commuter or an occasional traveller, our app ensures that your charging needs are met without breaking the bank.

So, as you embrace the convenience of powering your electric car at home, remember that the journey doesn't end there. With our app, you're equipped to explore further, with the confidence that powering up your EV can be as easy and accessible as filling up a traditional car with gas. 

Download OVO Charge powered by Bonnet today and experience a world where charging is no longer a hurdle but a seamless part of your daily drive.


Embracing EVs means adapting to new ways of "fueling" our rides, and electric car charging at home offers unprecedented convenience, transforming our relationship with our vehicles. It represents not just a shift in how we power our cars, but a significant step towards a more sustainable, efficient lifestyle. 

With options ranging from the simplicity of Level 1 charging to the rapid capabilities of Level 2, electric car owners can enjoy the ease of waking up to a fully charged vehicle every day. This transition to electric is more than just about cars; it's about changing the way we live and move for the better.

Welcome to the electric revolution! As the world shifts gears towards cleaner, greener, and more sustainable modes of transportation, electric vehicles (EVs) are charging ahead, leading the pack. 

Now, if you've recently joined the EV brigade or are considering making the leap, you're probably pondering over one crucial aspect – how do you charge an electric car at home? Fear not, for you've come to the right place! 

Powering an EV at home isn't just convenient; it's like having your own personal fuel station, minus the fuel and the hassle. So, buckle up and let's embark on this electrifying journey together. By the end of this article, you'll be a home charging pro, ready to enjoy the myriad benefits of electric driving, all from the comfort of your house. 

Let's get charged up!

Types of Car Charging at Home

Charging an electric car at home is simpler than you might think, and it all starts with understanding the two main types – Level 1 and Level 2. Both options offer the convenience of powering at home, but they come with their own set of perks and quirks. 

Level 1 Charging: The Slow and Steady Starter

Level 1 charging is your entry ticket to the world of home charging. It's the equivalent of dipping your toes in the water – easy, straightforward, and requiring no extra equipment. All you need is the charging cord that comes with your EV and a standard household electrical outlet. 

Yes, it's that simple!

While Level 1 charging is the slowest method, taking anywhere from eight to 20 hours for a full charge, it's perfect for overnight powering. It's like giving your car a good night's rest, ensuring it's ready to roll when you are. For daily commutes or short trips around town, this might just be the hassle-free solution you're looking for.

Level 2 Charging: The Fast Lane to Full

When you're ready to kick things up a notch, Level 2 charging enters the scene. This is where charging at home starts to feel like having a superhero gadget in your garage. These chargers require a 240V outlet (similar to what your washing machine or dryer might use) and can fill up your EV's battery at a much quicker pace – typically in just four to six hours.

Opting for Level 2 charging is ideal for those with longer commutes or for anyone looking to maximise their EV's potential. Although it may require an initial investment in a pricy home station and possibly some electrical upgrades, the convenience and speed are well worth it.

What About Level 3? 

Level 3 charging isn't something you can get installed at your home. Also known as DC fast charging, these are capable of adding up to 100 miles of range in just 20 to 30 minutes. However, due to its high power requirements and the complex infrastructure it needs, Level 3 points are typically found in public charging stations and along highways, not in residential areas.

Setting Up Electric Car Charging at Home

The good news is that setting up your home station is less about 'if' and more about 'how'. With a sprinkle of planning and a dash of know-how, you'll be powering with ease. 

1. Preparation and Planning

Before diving in, it's essential to do a bit of homework. Start by evaluating your daily driving routine and your vehicle's range. This will help you determine whether Level 1 charging will suffice or if Level 2 is the way to go. Remember, knowing how to charge an electric car at home begins with understanding your needs. Check out our guide to the best home EV charging stations to ensure you pick a great charger.

Next, take a peek at your home's electrical system. Is it ready for the task, or does it need an upgrade? This might sound daunting, but fear not, as a licensed electrician can guide you through this process, ensuring everything is up to snuff and safe.

2. Installation Process

When it comes to installation, unless you're a certified electrician yourself, it's best to leave it to the professionals. They'll not only install your charging station but also make sure it complies with all local codes and regulations. This step is crucial, as it ensures your setup is both safe and efficient. 

Choosing the right spot for your station is also key. It should be easily accessible and, if possible, protected from the elements. After all, convenience is a big part of the allure when it comes to charging your electric car at home. However, if you don’t have a driveway where a charger can be installed, you may want to find out what your options are in our guide on ‘How to charge electric cars without a driveway’.

3. Safety Considerations

As also highlighted above, safety should always be top of mind, especially when dealing with electricity. Ensure your station has built-in safety features and that you're following best practices for charging. This includes not overloading circuits and keeping your powering area free from clutter and water.

4. Complying With Regulations

Last but certainly not least, make sure your home charging setup is up to code. This might involve obtaining permits or having inspections done, depending on where you live. Staying on the right side of regulations not only keeps you safe but also ensures you won't face any legal hiccups down the road.

Setting up your home station might seem like a project, but it's all part of the EV adventure. By knowing how to charge an electric car at home, you're not just preparing for a more sustainable lifestyle; you're embracing the future of mobility. And with your charging setup ready to go, you'll enjoy the unparalleled convenience of waking up to a fully charged vehicle, prepared to take on the day – no gas stations required!

Costs Involved in Home EV Charging

So, you're all set up with the know-how on "how to charge EV at home", but what's the deal with costs? Understanding the financial side is also essential, as it helps you make informed decisions and even save money in the long run. 

Let's break down the expenses and uncover how you can charge your electric car at home without breaking the bank.

Initial Setup and Equipment Costs

The upfront cost of setting up a home station can vary widely, depending on whether you opt for Level 1 or Level 2 charging. While Level 1 requires no additional equipment beyond what's provided with your EV, Level 2 might necessitate purchasing a dedicated unit and potentially upgrading your home's electrical system.

Electricity Rates and Charging Costs

When it comes to the ongoing cost of home charging, electricity rates take centre stage. The cost to power up your EV will depend on your local rates, which can vary by time of day and season. Some areas offer special lower rates for power during off-peak hours, making it a savvy move to charge your car overnight. Plus, on average, charging an EV at home is significantly cheaper than fueling a traditional gasoline car, with many owners seeing substantial savings on "fuel" over time. 

Incentives and Rebates

To encourage greater adoption, there are some EV grants and incentives in the UK for electric car purchases and home charging installations. These can significantly offset the initial setup costs, making it even more attractive to power your green car at your house.

More specifically, from tax credits for purchasing charging equipment to rebates for energy-efficient home upgrades, these incentives can make the transition to electric driving smoother and more affordable. 

Managing and Maintaining Your Home EV Charging Station

Now that we've navigated through the ins and outs of charging an electric car at home, let's shift gears to make sure your home chargers stay in tip-top shape. After all, maintaining your EV charging setup is key to maximising its lifespan and efficiency. 

Here's how you can keep your station running smoothly, ensuring your electric chariot is always ready for the road ahead.

Routine Maintenance

First things first, routine checks are your best friend when it comes to maintaining your home station. Keeping an eye on the charging cable and ensuring it's free from damage not only prolongs its life but also keeps powering safe. Regularly inspecting the charging port on your vehicle and the connection points can prevent wear and tear from turning into bigger issues.

It's also wise to keep the area around your charging station clean and tidy. A clutter-free charging zone minimises the risk of accidents and ensures easy access to your charger whenever you need it. 

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even the most reliable systems can hiccup, and your home EV charging station is no exception. Familiarising yourself with common issues and how to troubleshoot them can save you time and headaches. Problems like a tripped circuit breaker or a faulty cable can often be resolved with a bit of DIY savvy. However, when in doubt, calling in a professional is always the safest bet.

Upgrading Your Charging Station

As technology advances, so too might your charging needs. Whether it's upgrading from Level 1 to Level 2 for faster fill-ups or incorporating smart features for greater convenience, keeping your setup current can enhance your EV experience. Additionally, upgrading your home charging station might also involve software updates or replacing parts to ensure optimal performance. To this end, staying informed about the latest in green technology can help you make informed decisions about when and how to upgrade.

OVO Charge Powered by Bonnet: When Car Charging at Home Isn't an Option

The logo of OVO Charge by Bonnet.

Following our dive into the essentials of powering your electric car at home, where the convenience of Level 1 and Level 2 charging brings the future of driving to your doorstep, there's an aspect of green vehicle ownership that extends beyond the confines of our homes. 

This brings us to a pivotal question: How do you keep your EV charged and ready to go when you're away from home? Enter OVO Charge powered by Bonnet, an innovative solution designed to make public charging as seamless as possible.

OVO Charge is not just an app; it's your ultimate companion on the road. With access to over 17 networks through a single platform, we eradicate the need to juggle multiple apps or memberships. This unified approach simplifies the charging process, allowing EV drivers to locate the nearest compatible station with ease, check real-time availability, and even learn about the charging speed and costs, all in one place.

What truly sets OVO Charge apart are the "Boosts" – exclusive offers that provide up to 15% off on fees within partner networks. This feature not only makes EVs more accessible but also more affordable, addressing one of the key concerns of EV ownership. Whether you're a daily commuter or an occasional traveller, our app ensures that your charging needs are met without breaking the bank.

So, as you embrace the convenience of powering your electric car at home, remember that the journey doesn't end there. With our app, you're equipped to explore further, with the confidence that powering up your EV can be as easy and accessible as filling up a traditional car with gas. 

Download OVO Charge powered by Bonnet today and experience a world where charging is no longer a hurdle but a seamless part of your daily drive.


Embracing EVs means adapting to new ways of "fueling" our rides, and electric car charging at home offers unprecedented convenience, transforming our relationship with our vehicles. It represents not just a shift in how we power our cars, but a significant step towards a more sustainable, efficient lifestyle. 

With options ranging from the simplicity of Level 1 charging to the rapid capabilities of Level 2, electric car owners can enjoy the ease of waking up to a fully charged vehicle every day. This transition to electric is more than just about cars; it's about changing the way we live and move for the better.


Can you charge an electric car at home with a normal plug?

Yes, you can charge an electric car at home using a standard household outlet with a Level 1 charger that comes with your vehicle. However, this method is slower and typically used for overnight charging.

How much does it cost to charge an electric car at home?

The cost to charge an electric car at home varies based on local electricity rates and your car's battery capacity, but it's generally much cheaper than refuelling a traditional gasoline car.

What is the cheapest way to charge an electric car at home?

The cheapest way to charge an electric car at home is by using a Level 1 charger during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower or by integrating solar panels to offset electricity use.

Ready to boost
your charging game?

Let's do this!Let''s do this!